
Hi! I'm Heidi Villegas

This was on the fence....and I shrieked!🌿🌼🌿

Published 18 days ago • 2 min read


Happy Herbal Wednesday, Reader,

I literally screamed....with joy!

This leggy, creeping plant with its whorls of leaves was grasping the fence as it climbed nearly two feet up the chain links of the fencing in the backyard of our herbal cottage in town.

This spring weed that only grows about 5 inches long on top of the mountain where we live was exploding in the yard just a couple thousand feet below our altitude.

How perfect!

Why was I so excited?

Well, this incredible weed, so scoffed at and hated by most, is filled with incredible nutrition. It's also a kidney supporting powerhouse. It's a sweet herb I've (hate to admit it) been so envious of others for having each spring. And now I have it too!

Can you guess what it is?


Galium aparine is the Latin name, and it's one of the many plants with traditional use dating back to ancient times. It's a "sticky" plant because it has little claws or prickles that grow on the leaves causing it to be a great climbing plant. If you walk past it, it will literally hang onto you, like it's saying, "WAIT! I can help you!"

Like other nutritious herbs high in minerals, cleavers is a diuretic and is helpful for supporting healthy urine flow, kidney function, reducing edema in the body, swollen and stagnant lymph. I also like adding it to formulas as a supporter for urinary tract infection.

You can dry cleavers, but they're best used fresh, and this is one reason I got so excited! There they were! A nice growth of cleavers right in my yard.

One of the things I'm doing with my cleavers today is making some Cleavers Vinegar. It's wonderful for:

  • salad dressings and cooking
  • tonic drink to power up your ACV
  • a cooling skin liniment, especially for eczema, psoriasis, and other itchy conditions
  • just being plain old delicious. It kind of tastes "green" rather like pickles.

Isn't it great to use your salad dressing as a soothing skin tonic too?


A Hint at What's to Come:

Since last September, around seven months ago, we decided to upgrade our school, the School of Botanical Arts & Sciences, to a brand new platform. What a labor of love. All the hours. All the headaches. And now...she's birthed her way into the world!

The school platform GORGEOUS. It's also much more user-friendly. Stay tuned, because we're planning a big surprise in honor of the new platform AND the 5th birthday of the Confident Herbalist Tribe, our membership.

If you own Ditch the Drugstore, the Family Herbalist Certification program, or the Confident Herbalist Tribe, great news! You can head over to the new platform, log in, and enjoy the new upgraded school! Navigation between our vibrant student groups, the course materials, and the searchable replays is seamless.

But, as always, if you have any tech or billing questions at all, just email Joe. He's at, and he can help get you situated if you have any issues logging in. Just use your email that you used when you signed up!

Students of other courses: You'll be invited in soon! We're in the process of importing our students from one school to the other. But be sure to go check it out anyway!

Here's the link to the new place, and if you happen to see any little bugs that need fixed, please just reach out to Joe at

Click the link below to check out the new school platform (even if you're not currently a student), our website, and the YouTube Channel:

The HHH School (SOBAS):

School of Botanical Arts & Sciences

The Blog Site (Healing Harvest Homestead):

Healing Harvest Homestead Blog

The YouTube Channel:

Heidi Villegas | Healing Harvest Homestead

I hope you have the BEST most beautiful day and see you later on Scentsational Sunday,

Hugs, Health, and Herbs,


P.S. Don't forget to check out the new School of Botanical Arts & Sciences!

Hi! I'm Heidi Villegas

Herbalist, Aromatherapist, Homesteader, Grandma

Welcome, Sister! I’d love to support you along your journey in making natural, clean, healthy, herbal living a simple art that YOU can do too, no matter where you live. I'll help you to: 🌿 Use herbs and essential oils confidently and correctly for amazing wellness 🌹Make your own natural skincare and body care products 🍅 Grow your own herbs and vegetables for medicine and food 🌿Forage wild medicinal plants without fear 🌶 Cook and preserve real food from scratch 🥰 Clean your home with natural homemade products that work!

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